Friday, April 3, 2009

Scrumptious soup!

The 1/R and 5/4 buddies have teamed up again - this time to make super soup! We used local and seasonal vegetables - kindly donated by Somerfields, Morrisons and Tesco - to make a hearty vegetable soup. Yum yum!

Nature mobiles

Jen from Holt Hall came to help the year 2/1 classes make some nature mobiles. It's good to use nature for art. We like them - what do you think?

Nature Club busy at work!

We have been very busy in nature club, looking after our school grounds.We have planted some tree seeds...

and a wiegela.

We have put protection tubes on the trees that the 2/1 classes planted.

Do you like our stepping stones and bug sculpture?

The pathway that we designed!

Tree planting!

The 2/1 classes have been planting our new copse around the wild area. We hope that it will attract some lovely wildlife and provide a bit of shade for us in the summer.

Mrs Betts came back to help us!

Fairtrade workshops

We had a Fairtrade assembly from some lovely people from the Co-op. They taught us about how some farmers in Ghana are now getting a fair price for their crops. We can help by changing even just one thing and buying a Fairtrade product.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Our recycled sculpture

Mrs Holden is one of our fabulous parents, who now works at our school. She is also a mosaic
artist. We collected lots and lots of plastic bottle tops and Mrs Holden and Mr Holden helped us recycle them into a piece of art work!

Can you guess what it's going to be? Watch out for the finished work - it will be on Miss Leftley's wall very soon!
Big thanks to Brian and Jewsons who very kindly donated the wood and waterproofing material.

Bug sculptures

Peter is an environmental artist. He came to work with the 4/3 and 5/4 classes to make woodlice. The children loved making them. They look amazing don't they?

The sculpture taking shape.

Adding antenna

Bug hotels!

We had to pack pine cones into the pots so that they wouldn't fall out.

Isn't our bug hotel amazing! Thanks to Chris for Roots and Shoots at Holt Hall, who helped us make it. We think lots of bugs will be very happy here!